CD.111 AFA—MHG 2022
DESIGN AREAS Creative—Design
DESCRIPTION RADS’ team developed the entire narrative, design, and creative direction for the 20th Edition of My Hero Gala and the 25th Anniversary of Aid for Aids.
For such a remarkable occasion, the American Museum of Natural History in New York was the stage to recreate the organization’s historical timeline, with a chromatic structure carefully curated for every space.
A 1996-themed area was the starting point to welcome the attendees with a soundscape from that year (designed by the Venezuelan DJ and producer Cheo Pardo). Later on, a contemporary 2022 set, with music from a local brass band and a rendition of The Jackson 5’s “I Want You Back,” was the perfect nod to the event’s resuming after a two years pause (because of the Covid-19 pandemic suspensions).
Each table at the gala diner represented a year of work of the organization, and the guests’ tickets showcased a list of milestones for that specific year. In addition, a perimetral skin surrounding the space included banners for each of the 12 programs and their beneficiaries. The idea was to symbolically reuni@aidforaidste grantees and sponsors in the same room, celebrating a world where health, happiness, respect, and human rights are accessible to everyone.
CLIENT Aid For Aids | Aid for Life @aidforaids @aidforlife
YEAR 2022
LOCATION American Museum of Natural History — NYC @amnh
TEAM Creative Direction: Rodolfo Agrella @rodolfoagrella
Production: Laurie Dominguez @nomade_events | Isabella Latouche @isalatouche
Graphics: RADS, Yubiri Suarez @orangedotcreative
Motion Graphics Animations: Adrian Saturno @adrianjst
Animation Soundscapes: Alberto Stangarone @sunsplashmusic
VENDORS Print: GHP Media
Environmental Graphics Production: @Colorxnyc
Press and Video Production: The Setroc Group
Communications: Ariadne Rosales
Lighting Design and AV: Frost Productions @frostproductionsnyc
Flower Design: @floralsoiree
Catering: CxRA
Featuring #MarioBellini Chair by @hellerfurniture
Music Production: Ernesto Rangel
Music and Artistic Production: Baden Goyo @badengoyo
Brass Band: The Brooklyn Brass Band
Guest DJ and 1996—2022 sound curator: José Luis —Cheo— Pardo @cheopardo
IMAGE CREDITS Francisco Fernandez @2fphotography